I always knew that I wanted kids, however I never knew how much my kids wanted each other. I am constantly griping at Ramsey 'leave your sister alone'; 'get off your sister'; 'give that back to her'; 'please don't wake her up I just got her to sleep'. All to which she listens and obeys 100 % (ya right), but for all of you who have more than one bundle of joy can appreciate, she truly is more help than I could ever have imagined. The other morning we were lying in bed and I just finished feeding Paisley and put her back to sleep when Ramsey came in and asked where she was. I told her she was asleep and not to wake her. I guess with a two year old every day is opposite day. She promptly got in the bed and hugged her, and squished her, and woke her. I got irritated and asked Ramsey why she has to do that to Paisley when she is asleep and she said 'I just want to squeeze her so tight for how much I love her' and it donned on me that that is how Ramsey shows her love and affection for her sister, all the pestering and if I would just look close enough I would see that huge smile on Paisley' s face and the light in her eyes when Ramsey is near. I thank God every day for my beautiful girls, my wonderful husband and the life we all share.
7 years ago